You are on the planet Domos.

Explorers, like you, are desperately trying to cross the harsh Dunes of Domos in the hope of findings treasures and riches.

Use the newly build SandShip and go further than anyone has gone before!

But be mindful, you will need to maintain the Sandship.

Use wisely the resources at your disposal to maintain the 3 core systems of the ship:

  • Use Red resources to maintain the Navigation, in order to avoid becoming lost
  • Use Green resources to maintain the Engine System to continue on your course
  • Use Blue resources to maintain the Shield used to protect the SandShip against the harsh Dunes conditions
  • The Storage room allows to recycle or store specific resources.

    Good luck!


    How to play the Game

  • Use Arrow keys to navigate in the different areas of the SandShip.
  • Be Mindful of the 3 progress bars showing the state of each core system of the ship. If one bar goes to 0, you loose.
  • Drag the resources cards generated by the Generator into your hand by dragging them to the bottom the screen.
  • Use the cards in your hand on the different vital part of the SandShip by dragging them from your hand to each core system. Only the corresponding resource (defined by color code) can be used on each core system
  • There is a maximum amount of 4 cards that can be hold in your hand at the same time. You can use the storage room to discard or store cards in order to free space.
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